About Stark Fitness

Set in the beautiful Garioch countryside, Stark Fitness is a one-on-one personal training experience tailored to suit your individual health and fitness goals. Trainer Billy Stark is a past accomplished athlete who has competed for Scotland at the highest level and as a result benefits not only from the knowledge gained over his ten years of certified personal training experience, but from working with some of the most well-respected coaches in the UK.

Bennachie as seen from one of our many trails

Bennachie as seen from one of our many trails

Our mission is to help you achieve your goals, no matter how big or small. Whether you want to lose weight, tone up or prepare for a more advanced event, Stark Fitness has the knowledge, resources and enthusiasm to get you there whilst ensuring the journey is an enjoyable one.

One of our running trails featuring Logan, the Stark  Fitness mascot. Dogs are welcome at most sessions, why not bring yours along for a workout?

One of our running trails featuring Logan, the Stark Fitness mascot. 

Making full use of the stunning surroundings, your sessions will be varied and exhilarating and include exciting forest bike trails, captivating riverside runs and dynamic fitness activities in the nearby park. On those days when the weather is less forgiving, Stark Fitness offers a brand new, private, indoor studio where you can make full use of the equipment and expertise available to you.

The studio

The studio

Forget screaming Drill Sergeants and mundane gym routines, come and embrace the outdoors with a proactive, friendly and professional personal trainer. Together we will get you where you want to be.


Here’s what some of our clients have to say:

“Billy Stark has been my personal trainer for around 2 years.  When I first came to him I was lacking any upper body or core strength and my general fitness levels were not great.  Being a woman in her late 50’s I knew that if I didn’t get to grips with my fitness soon it was going to be too late.  Billy has been patience personified and I really enjoy training with him.  He uses a variety of exercise to build up my upper body and core strength as well as my fitness in general.  It’s always fun and enjoyable.  I would never have had the confidence to work with weights if it wasn’t for him and I can honestly say it’s the best money I spend.”

Lynda, aged 59

“I was always naturally slim but found the weight was creeping on once I’d had children.  I tried exercising but found that I lacked the motivation to stick to any regime.  When I met Billy we discussed my current lifestyle and the impact this has had on my fitness and weight. He helped me develop realistic goals.  Exercising with Billy is always hard work but never boring and to ensure that I don’t lose interest in our sessions, he often changes my routine and as I become more fit, gradually introduces more challenging exercises.  I’ve been working with Billy for over 3 years now and have definitely improved my fitness levels, physique and mental well-being.  Personal training with Billy is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Thanks Billy!”

Kelly, aged 40

“I had never been to a gym until four years ago when spurred on by a friend I decided to give it a go.  Over the last four years with the help of Billy, my fitness and body shape has changed so much.  I was also not very mobile in the beginning due to arthritis in my knee and foot but since attending the gym my mobility has improved and I do not have the same degree of pain that I used to experience.  Sessions with Billy are hard work, but instead of telling myself I can’t do it, I always attempt whatever he throws at me and with a little self belief I now know that I can.  Billy always gives you encouragement and I have to say that training with him was the best decision I ever made!”

Susan, aged 52

“As someone who has never been into exercise and has struggled with self esteem and weight issues my whole adult life, the idea of going to a gym terrified me!  However, Billy has helped me to overcome many of my fears and provides a continuously evolving workout that is both appropriate for my fitness levels and yet is challenging enough to help me consistently develop my strength, flexibility and fitness.  Billy is mindful of my knee condition and has the knowledge and skills to tailor my workouts around my needs.  I am confident in his abilities as a personal trainer and I feel that his down-to-earth approach encourages my confidence levels.”
